SAWADA Katsumi
The Mainichi Shimbun
Editor of Foreign News


Graduated from Department of Law, Keio University in 1991. While still in school, he completed Korean Language Institute of Yonsei University in 1990. Entered the Mainichi in 1991. He served in Politics Department and Foreign News Department of Editorial Center, correspondent in Seoul from 1999 to 2004, correspondent in Geneva from 2005 to 2009, correspondent in Seoul from 2011 to 2015, Editorial Writer in 2015 and became the current Director of Foreign News Department in 2018. President of Seoul Foreign Correspondent Club in 20134. Sawada wrote 『「脱日」する韓国』, 『韓国「反日」の真相』 and others.

1991년 게이오대 법학부 촐업. 재학중인 1990년에 연세대 한국어학당 촐업함. 1991년 마이니치신문 입사. 변집센터 정치부 외신부를 거쳐서 1999-2004년 서울특파원, 2005-2009년 제네바(Geneva)특파원, 2011-2015년 서울특파원, 2015년 논설위원을 거치며 2018년 외신부장(현직). 2013년 서울외신기자클럽(Seoul Foreign Correspondent Club)회장. 저서(일본어)에  『「脱日」する韓国』『韓国「反日」の真相』등이 있다.