ANTHONY Mely Caballero
Centre for Non-Traditional Security (NTS) Studies at the S. Rajaratnam School o
Associate Professor and Head


Dr Anthony is Associate Professor and Head of the Centre for Non-Traditional Security (NTS) Studies at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She previously served as the Director of External Relations at the ASEAN Secretariat and currently serves in the UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters and Security. She is also Secretary-General of the Consortium of Non-Traditional Security Studies in Asia (NTS-Asia) and is a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Agenda Council on Conflict Prevention.

Prof. Anthony’s research interests include regionalism and regional security in the Asia-Pacific, multilateral security cooperation, politics and international relations in ASEAN, conflict prevention and management, as well as human security. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals on a broad range of security issues in the Asia-Pacific. Her latest publications, both single-authored and co-edited, include: Community Security: Human Security at 21, (Contemporary Politics, 2015) Understanding ASEAN Centrality’, (Pacific Review, 2014), ‘Human Security in ASEAN: 20 Years On’, (Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, 2014), Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Issues, Challenges and Framework for Action,(ISEAS, 2013), Human Security and Climate Change in Southeast Asia: Managing Risk and Resilience,(Routledge, 2013), and ‘The Responsibility to Protect in Southeast Asia: Opening Up Spaces for Advancing Human Security’ (Pacific Review, 2012), Energy and Non-Traditional Security (NTS) in Asia and Rethinking Energy Security in Asia: A Non-Traditional View of Human Security (both Springer, 2012).
Community Security: Human Security at 21, (Contemporary Politics, 2015) Understanding ASEAN Centrality’, (Pacific Review, 2014), ‘Human Security in ASEAN: 20 Years On’, (Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, 2014), Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Issues, Challenges and Framework for Action,(ISEAS, 2013), Human Security and Climate Change in Southeast Asia: Managing Risk and Resilience,(Routledge, 2013), ‘The Responsibility to Protect in Southeast Asia: Opening Up Spaces for Advancing Human Security’ (Pacific Review, 2012), Energy and Non-Traditional Security (NTS) in Asia(Springer, 2012), Rethinking Energy Security in Asia: A Non-Traditional View of Human Security (Springer, 2012).

Dr Anthony has been the Principal Investigator of the RSIS Centre for NTS Studies’ projects for the MacArthur Foundation Asia Security Initiative (ASI), where she led and directed the research programme on Internal and Cross-border Conflict Challenges, and advised the Health and Human Security programme. Her current research focus takes on the broad theme of Governance and Non-traditional Security issues. She is also working on a project on Revisiting Regionalism in Asia.

Dr Anthony is a Board Member of the Nanyang Technological University’s Sustainable Earth Committee. She is also a member of the Governing Council of the International Studies Association for a two-year term started 2016.

엔소니 박사는 싱가포르 난양공대 RSIS 비전통안보연구소 연구소장 겸 부교수이다. 그녀는 아세안사무국의 국제관계 이사로 일했고 지금은 UN 사무총장 군축안보자문위원회에서 일한다. 그녀는 아시아비전통안보연구(NTS-Asia) 컨소시엄의 사무총장이며 갈등예방을 위한 글로벌아젠다위원회의 세계경제포럼(WEF) 회원이다.

엔소니 교수의 연구 관심 분야는 아태평양의 지역주의와 지역안보, 다자간안보협력, 아세안 정치 및 국제관계, 갈등예방과 조정, 인류안보 등이다. 그녀는 아태평양 지역의 포괄적 안보 문제를 다룬 상호심사 학술지에 광범위하게 글을 실었다. 그녀의 최신 저서 및 공저는 다음과 같다.

엔소니 박사는 맥아더재단 아시아 안보 이니셔티브(ASI)를 위한 난양공대 RSIS 센터 연구프로젝트의 대표연구자로서 국내 및 국경 간 갈등 문제에 관한 연구프로그램을 진두지휘했으며, 건강과 인류안보 프로그램의 자문을 맡았다. 그녀의 현재 연구는 거버넌스와 비전통안보 문제라는 넓은 주제에 중점을 두고 있다. 그녀는 아시아 민족주의 재논의 프로젝트에서 일하고 있기도 하다.

엔소니 박사는 난양공대 소속 ‘지속 가능한 지구 위원회’의 이사이다. 또 2016년부터 2년 임기인 국제연구협회관리위원회의 회원직을 맡고 있다.