CHUNG Wooyong
Korea International Cooperation Agency
Vice President


Mr. Wooyong Chung is Vice President for Socio-Economic Development in charge of Socio-Economic Development Department, Procurement Department, Multilateral Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance Office and Public-Private Partnership Department at Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). He started his career as a researcher at the Korea Development Institute in Seoul where he was responsible for economic cooperation consulting programs to partner countries. He joined KOICA in 1991 and has held several positions including planning, budgeting, and research among others. While working at KOICA he was seconded to the Prime Minister’s Office as an ODA expert to participate in ODA reform project of the Korean government. He has worked as a country director at KOICA’s overseas offices in Vietnam, Egypt, and Paraguay. He studied public administration and international development, receiving his Ph.D from Bradford University.

정우용 이사는 현재 한국국제협력단 사업개발 이사로, 1991년 KOICA 입사 후 한국국제협력단 월드프렌즈본부장(2015~2016), 민관협력실장(2014~2015), 파라과이사무소장(2011~2014), 정책연구실장․정책기획부장(2009~2011), 이집트사무소장(2006~2009), 국무조정실 ODA 전문위원(2005), 베트남사무소장(1995~1996)등을 역임했다. 정우용 이사는 연세대 행정학과를 졸업하였으며, 영국 브래드포드(Bradford) 대학교에서 국제개발학 석․박사 학위를 받았다.