KIM Taekyoon
Seoul National University


Taekyoon Kim is associate dean for international affairs and associate professor of international development at the Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University. He is currently executive secretary of Korea Association of International Studies and also the former board member of Korean Association for International Development and Cooperation, Korean Sociological Association, Korea Association for Policy Studies, and Critical Sociological Association. In the public sector, he currently serves as a policy advisor for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as an ODA expert for Korea International Cooperation Agency, and as a resource person for UN Office for Sustainable Development, UNESCO and UNDP Seoul Policy Center; in the academic field, he has been participating in varieties of academic institutes such as UNRISD as a collaborating researcher, Goethe University's AFRASO as a co-researcher, Tuebingen University's Global South Project as a co-organizer, and RC18 of International Political Science Association as one of board members; and in the civic sector, he is now the chairperson of international affairs at the Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice. His main academic research areas include international development, global governance and international political sociology, and he published many articles to academic peer-reviewed journals such as International Sociology, Journal of Democracy, Global Governance, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, and so forth. He received D.Phil from the University of Oxford and Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, was a visiting professor at the University of Paris IV (Sorbonne), and assistant professor at Waseda University and Ewha Womans University.

김태균 교수는 서울대학교 국제대학원 부교수와 동대학원 대외부원장을 맡고 있다. 현재 한국국제정치학회 총무이사로 활동하고 있으며, 국제개발협력학회, 한국사회학회, 한국정책학회, 비판사회학회에서 이사를 역임하였다. 공공부문에서는 외교부 정책자문위원, 한국국제협력단 ODA연구 전문위원, UNOSD, UNESCO와 UNDP 서울정책센터에서 전문가로 지원하고 있으며, 학술부문에서는 유엔사회개발연구소 협력연구원, 독일 괴테대학교 AFRASO 공동연구원, 독일 튀빙겐대학교 Global South 프로젝트 참여연구원, 세계정치학회 RC18 운영위원 등으로 참여하고 있는 동시에 시민사회부문에서는 경실련 국제위원장을 맡고 있다. 주요 연구주제는 국제개발, 글로벌 거버넌스, 국제정치사회학으로 International Sociology, Journal of Democracy, Global Governance, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Pacific Focus 등 주요 국제저널에 저작을 출판하여 왔다. 영국 옥스퍼드대학교와 미국 존스홉킨스 고등국제관계대학원에서 박사학위를 취득하였으며, 프랑스 파리4대학(소르본)에서 교환교수를 역임하고, 일본 와세다대학교와 이화여자대학교에서 조교수를 역임한 바 있다.