ZHANG Tuosheng
Academic Committee, China Foundation for International and Strategic Studies
Senior Fellow and Chairman


Zhang Tuosheng is a Senior Fellow and Chairman of the Academic Committee of the Center for Foreign Policy Studies at the China Foundation for International and Strategic Studies. Previously, he was the Deputy Defense Attache at the Chinese Embassy in the United Kingdom, a Research Fellow in the Institute of Strategic Studies of PLA National Defense University, and a drillmaster at the PLA Military College. His main research interests are Sino-US relations, Asia-Pacific security and China’s foreign policy.

장퉈셩 선임연구원은 중국국제전략연구기금회 학술위원회 주임이다. 주영국 중국대사관 부무관, 중국인민해방군 군사학원 교관, 중국인민해방군 국방대학교 전략연구소 연구원을 역임하였다. 연구분야는 미중관계, 아태안보, 중국의 대외정책이다.