CHOI Sun Wook
KBS Culture Research Centre


Dr. SunWook Choi is a research fellow at KBS Broadcasting Culture Research Institute, and serves as a board member of the Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies. He received a Ph.D. in communication and media studies from Chung-Ang University, South Korea, where he work as a lecturer at the graduate school of mass communication since 2013. He is primarily working on trends in digital media, public service media, audience behavior in media and the relationship between soft power in foreign affair and media. In last 2 years he has published 2 books with these issues. Dr. Choi was a visiting researcher of communication studies at the Hans-Bredow Institute, Hamburg, Germany. Prior to his KBS research role he worked as an assistant director for broadcasting engineering, new media service and public policy. He was Founder and Director at the DTV Korea, a non-profit company that led the public policy of national digital TV transition in South Korea, until 2009.

KBS 방송문화연구소 연구원이자 한국언론학회 연구이사이다. 중앙대학교 신문방송학과에서 박사학위를 받았으며, 현재 동 대학 신문방송대학원에서 강사를 역임하고 있다. KBS에서 방송실무와 기획업무를 담당했으며, DTV코리아 전략기획실장, 독일 함부르크 한스브레도 연구소(Hans-Bredow Institute)의 초빙연구원이었다. 주요 연구분야는 디지털 미디어, 공공서비스 미디어, 미디어 이용자 행태분석 및 소프트 파워와 미디어간 관계 등이다.