
FAN Shiming is now Professor of International Relations at Peking University (PKU). He also serves as the Executive Vice Dean of PKU’s Yenching Academy. Prof. FAN has been very much involved in the development of Campus Asia program at Peking University since 2011. He offers courses such as International History, Sino-American Relations and the Politics of International Communication. His research interest covers image, perception, public opinion and communication in international relations. Prof. FAN got all his degrees (B.A. 1990, M.A. 1993, and Ph.D. 1999) on International Politics from Peking University. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Fairbank Center for East Asian Studies at Harvard University (1998) and at GSAPS of Waseda University (2013), a Visiting Professor at Niigata University in Japan (2002-2003) and at University of Oslo in Norway (2016).