Jennifer SIMS
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence Coordination
Ukraine, Gaza, and Diplomatic/Intelligence Failure: American Perspectives


Jennifer SIMS is a former non-resident Senior Fellow with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Before this residency, SIMS was a core faculty member and Director of Intelligence Studies in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service while also serving as a presidential appointee on the USG's Public Interest Declassification Board (2008-2011) and as a member Director of National Intelligence's Senior Advisory Group. During her more than ten years of US government service, Dr. SIMS was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence Coordination (1994-1998) and Intelligence Advisor to the Under Secretary for Management and Coordinator for Intelligence Resources and Planning at the US Department of State (1998-2001). In 1998, Dr. SIMS received the Intelligence Community's highest civilian award, the National Distinguished Service Medal, for developing the concept of intelligence Support to Diplomatic Operations (SDO) and implementing it during the Balkan War with the establishment of the first Diplomatic Intelligence Support Center in Sarajevo.