UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Chief Programme Coordinator
Toward Lifelong Education Prospects and Alternatives for the Sustainable Development: Unlocking the Potential of Regional Communities


Raúl is Chief Programme Coordinator at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). He leads the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities and the Institute’s ‘Skills Throughout Life’ team. For more than twenty years, Raúl has been working in international organizations in the field of public policies, lifelong learning and adult education. He has been a pioneer of youth and adult learning and education policies in several countries around the world and has championed systems established to support the recognition of prior learning outcomes. He has led various research and advocacy projects such as the Conceptual Evolution and Policy Developments in Lifelong Learning (2011), the Glossary for Adult Education (2013), Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities (2015 & 2017) and Making lifelong learning a reality: A handbook (2020). Raúl holds a master’s degree in Statistics, another in Business Administration and a Ph.D. in Education.