

Kasit PIROMYA was educated at St. Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, India. He received a Bachelor of Science in International Affairs from the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.; a Master of Social Science from Institute of Social Studies, the Hague, the Netherlands; and a Diploma from the National Defense College of Thailand. A career diplomat of 37 years, he held several senior posts at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand and was the Thai Ambassador to Moscow, Jakarta, Bonn/Berlin, Tokyo, and Washington D.C., respectively. After retirement from civil service in 2005, he joined politics. He became a member of the Democrat Party of Thailand and served as Foreign Minister (December 2008 – August 2011), a member of the House of Representatives, and a member of the National Reform Steering Assembly. He is a member of several regional non-governmental organizations such as APHR (Democracy and Human Rights), APLN (Non-Proliferation and Disarmament), and SEAC Group (Alternative Democratic ASEAN). He holds honorary positions at the Institute of Security and International Studies (ISIS) at Chulalongkorn University and the German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG) at Thammasat University.