Former Minister of Trade of Indonesia / Former Head of Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board
Global Supply Chain Crisis and the Role of ASEAN: Temporal Balancer or Total Game Changer? [Closing Session] Fostering Subnational Cooperation for Trade and Investment


Tom LEMBONG served as Indonesia’s Trade Minister and then Chairman of Indonesia’s Investment Coordinating Board (recently renamed Indonesia’s Ministry of Investment) from 2015 to 2019. During his time as Cabinet Minister, Tom became known as one of Indonesia’s leading internationalists and economic reformists.
Before serving in President Jokowi’s Cabinet, Tom spent his career in finance, starting with Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank, ahead of co-founding Quvat Capital Partners in 2006, a private equity firm in Indonesia. He had a prior stint in government in 1999-2000 as a Senior Vice President at the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency, a government agency under Indonesia’s Ministry of Finance and Central Bank to recapitalize and restructure Indonesia’s banking sector after the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis. He also served as the Chairman of the Board of PT Jaya Ancol, the only listed Provincial Government-owned enterprise in Indonesia in 2021-2023.
In 2020, the South Korean Government awarded Tom the “Gwanghwa Medal, First Order of Merit”, the highest medal category awarded to non-Korean civilians. Today, Tom has established the Consilience Policy Institute in Singapore as his official entity and also serves on the International Advisory Council of the IISS (the Institute for International Strategic Studies) in London.