HUH Mun Myung
Donga Ilbo
Deputy Managing Director
The Past, Present, and Future of Maritime Cooperation in East Asia


I joined the Dong-A Ilbo in 1990 and worked as a reporter for the Social Affairs, Economy, and Culture Departments, then as head of the Opinion Team, International Department, and Opinion Editor. I am currently the deputy director of the publication bureau. I served as vice chairman of the Korean Journalists Association, majored in consumer economics at Seoul National University and studied abroad at Keio University, Waseda University, and the University of Hawaii in Japan. I was the first police reporter in Korean media history and is the most awarded journalist in the country. Major awards include the Samsung Journalist Award, the Cham Journalist Award, the Korean Journalist Award, the Seo Jae-pil Press Award, and the Japan-Korea Exchange Fund Award. I am the author of several books, including a biography of poet Kim Ji-ha, a symbolic figure of Korean democratization, and a biography of Lee Kun-hee, former owner of a leading Korean company Samsung.