LEE Kyu-Chang
Korea Institute for National Unification
Research Fellow


Dr. Kyu-Chang Lee obtained his Ph.D. degree in International Law from Korea University. He was a member of Supreme Court Research Council on Special Legal Systems from 2006 to 2007 and the Standing Committee, National Unification Advisory Council (NUAC) from 2009 to 2013. He also used to be a member of Advisory committee for Inter-Korean Legal System, Ministry of Government Legislation. Currently, he is a Research Fellow in Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU) and a member of Advisory Committee to Promote a Unified Legal System, Ministry of Unification and the North Korea Legislation Research Committee, Ministry of Justice. Dr. Lee’s main research areas are South and North Korean Legal System, Unification Law, and North Korean Human Rights. His publications include “Unification of two Koreas and Succession of State Property, Debts and Concession” (2016) and “Investigating Accountability and Criminal Indictment on North Korean Human Rights Violations” (2016).

이규창 통일연구원 통일정책연구실장은 국제법 분야 전문가이며, 주요 연구영역은 남북법제, 통일 관계법, 북한인권이다. 고려대학교에서 법학 박사학위를 받고, 대법원 특수사법제도연구위원회 조사위원, 민주평화통일자문회의 상임위원, 법제처 남북법제자문위원회 자문위원을 지냈다. 현재 통일연구원 통일정책연구실 실장을 역임하며 통일부 통일법제추진위원회 위원, 법무부 북한법령연구위원회 위원으로 활동하고 있다. 주요 저서로는 『남북통일과 국가재산·채무·양허권의 승계』 (2016), 『북한인권 책임규명 방안과 과제: 로마규정 관할범죄에 대한 형사소추 문제를 중심으로』 (2016) 등이 있다.