Olivier ZEPHIR
Technoport SA
Head of Business Development & Innovation
Cooperation Models for Startups Development Across Jeju and Luxembourg


Olivier ZEPHIR is the Head of Business Development & Innovation at the Technoport S.A, a technology business incubator based in Luxembourg. With an operational experience in designing and operating aerospace sector innovation support measures and with a Ph.D. background in Industrial Systems Engineering, Dr. ZEPHIR is an expert in DeepTech operations excellence. Dr. ZEPHIR is active across a set of European and international industrial RDI (Research, Development and Innovation) consortiums, developing from lab to market acceleration measures. Dr. ZEPHIR is the incubation lead of an EU Space Resources start-up support programme and the coordinator of the IASP (International Association of Science Parks) Space subnetwork. Olivier ZEPHIR's core mission is to support early stage ventures in validating technological products, the related commercial strategies within a consolidated international network of technical and business partners.