WHANG Taehee
Yonsei University


Taehee Whang is a Chair and Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies, Yonsei University. After receiving the PhD from the University of Rochester in 2007, he has worked at Texas A&M University as an Assistant Professor for five years. He joined Korea University in 2012 and moved to Yonsei University on March 2015. His research interest includes economic sanctions and aid, human rights, political methodology, and politics and economy of North Korea. His work appears in American Journal of Political Science, International Interactions, International Organization, International Political Science Review (forthcoming), International Relations of the Asia-Pacific (forthcoming), International Studies Quarterly, Korea Observer, Political Analysis, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Journal of Transport Geography, Social Indicators Research (Forthcoming), and Social Science Quarterly (Forthcoming).

황태희 교수는 연세대학교 정치외교학과 교수와 학과장을 겸임하고 있다. 2007년 로체스터 대학에서 박사학위를 받은 후, 텍사스 A&M 대학교에서 5년 동안 부교수로 있었다. 이후 3년 간 고려대학교에서 재직하였고, 2015년 3월 연세대학교로 전임하였다. 그는 경제제재 및 지원, 인권, 정치방법론, 북한의 정치경제에 관심을 가지고 연구하고 있다. 그의 연구는 American Journal of Political Science, International Interactions, International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Korea Observer, Political Analysis, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Journal of Transport Geography 등에 게재되어 있으며, International Political Science Review, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Social Indicators Research, Social Science Quarterly 에 게재할 예정이다.