OH Dongsuk
Broadcaster, Humanities traverl writer, Lecturer
Building Peace on Stone Walls


Over the past 30 years, I have accumulated humanities knowledge by intensively exploring the history and culture of Korea and 100 other countries. I have been writing humanities travel books using the knowledge I have accumulated through humanities travel. I have written six books, including <A Trip to the Museums in Korea>, <I Sell Light in Europe>, <Nakupenda Africa>, and <Croatia Travel Bible>, <This is Eastern Europe>. And I appeared as a curator on the EBS (Korea Educational Broadcasting System) World Theme Travel <Malta> and <Croatia> episodes. I am currently working on the STB Win-Win Broadcast <Travel Through Symbols> series, which talks about the history and cultural symbols of countries around the world. I have been telling stories at various sites and museums in Korea and abroad, and have a lot of lecturing experience in Korea.