BYEON Jong Heon
Jeju National University, Institute of Peace Studies


Dr. Jong Heon Byeon is a professor at Jeju National University. He completed his B.A. in ethics education and obtained his Ph.D. from Seoul National University in 1995. From July 2002 to June 2003, Dr. Byeon was a research professor of the University of Texas at Austin, sponsored by LG Yonam Foundation. He was also a visiting scholar at Duke University from 2008 to 2009.
Professor Byeon has published over 90 journal papers and authored more than 10 books applying systems sciences. He is a fellow of International Society for the Systems Sciences(ISSS) and Korean Society for the Systems Sciences(KSSS), and a member of many academic associations in Korea. At Teachers’ College of Jeju National University, he teaches social and political thoughts. His research interests include systems theory and inter-Korean relations.

제주대학교 교육대학에 재직하고 있다. 청주고등학교를 졸업하였고, 1995년 서울대학교 대학원에서 “제5공화국 정치체계의 민주적 이행과정 연구”로 박사학위를 취득하였다. 2002년 LG연암문화재단 해외연구교수로 선정되어 UT Austin에서 그리고 2008-2009년에는 Duke University에서 연구 활동을 하였다.
『비전 2020(1999)』,『현대사회와 이데올로기(2000)』,『신자유주의의 테러리즘(2009)』, 『남북한 관계와 한반도 통일(2014)』,『사회사상과 정치 이데올로기(2014)』등의 저서와 역서를 펴냈다. 또한 “A Systems Approach to Entropy Change in Political Systems”, Systems Research & Behavioral Science Vol. 22, No. 3(2005), “북한 정치체계 변동에 관한 체계론적 접근”,「통일정책연구」제15권 1호(2006) 등 다수의 연구 논문을 발표하였다.