JUN Yong Wook
Tashkent International University
Global Geopolitical Crisis and Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia


Dr. JUN is an academician, businessman and consultant, having worked for both universities, business corporations and consulting firms in the past 40 years. He is Vice-president of Cheju Halla University and an Invited Professor of Seoul National University. Prior to this, he was Dean of Global Learning Institute, Sookmyung Women’s University, Vice President of Sejong University, Vice President of Woosong University and Dean of SolBridge International School of Business.
Dr. JUN has served as non-executive Director, counselor and consultant for many major Korean corporations including Hynix, Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motors, and SK Telecommunications. His capabilities are balanced in both practice and academia. He has also published numerous articles and textbooks in the field of International Business. He is currently serving as the Rector of the Tashkent International University.