KIM Myoungshin
LG AI Research
Principal Policy Officer
Harmony in the Digital Age: Exploring AI-Powered Paths to Peace Building


MyoungShin KIM currently serves as the Principal Policy Officer at LG AI Research, where he is responsible for AI ethics and public policy. He developed the AI Risk Management Process and AI Ethical Impact Assessment tool, ensuring responsible AI practices throughout the AI system lifecycle. Myoungshin has contributed to global and national AI ethics standards by initiating and co-authoring the LG Accountability Report on AI Ethics and establishing a partnership between LG AI Research and UNESCO.
His extensive experience is further highlighted a Senior Programme Specialist at the Korean National Commission for UNESCO. In this role, he was involved in the entire process of developing the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of AI as part of the South Korean delegation and worked to promote ethical AI governance at both national and global levels. Previously, he served as a Policy Advisor for the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education and the Ministry of Unification, and as an Adjunct Professor at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea.