PARK Young-Kyun
Konkuk University
Dark Tourism and Peace Movement: History and Memory of War and the Division


PARK Young-Kyun is currently serving as a professor at Konkuk University's Humanities Research Institute and Graduate School of Unification Humanities. He majored in political-social philosophy. After studying the historical trauma and habitus of division, national commonality, a research methodology of the humanities for unification and humanistic visions of unification (solidarity, ecology, peace, democracy, and human rights), he is currently conducting a comparative study on the values of North/South Korea and the history of modern Korean intelligence.
He co-wrote books such as Korean's Historical Trauma (2012), Basic Values and Humanistic Vision for Unification (2015), DMZ Dark Tourism and Spatial Healing of Unification Humanities (2022), DMZ Border Area Travels 1-9 (2022), Intellectual History and Self-Understanding in the Division System (2023).