KIM Jung Min
Syngman Rhee Memorial Foundation
Research Team Leader
The Role of Women for a Better World through the Women’s Diplomatic Independence Movement


Dr. Jung min KIM received B.A. in Political Science from Korea University, M.A. and Ph.D. in Politics from Yonsei University. He was a research fellow at Yonsei University Syngman Rhee Institute and a research professor at Nations Research Foundation of Korea. His main research areas include diplomatic history of Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, history of the Korea-US relations and Syngman Rhee studies. He has published “The Diplomacy of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea toward the League of Nations after the Manchurian Incident” (2019), “The International History of Japan Inside Out through Syngman Rhee’s Press Clippings” (2022), etc. He is working at Syngman Rhee Memorial Foundation as a research team leader.