PAIK Young-Gyung
Jeju National University
Science, Technology and Gender for a Better World


Young-Gyung PAIK teaches in the Department of Sociology at Jeju National University. Dr. PAIK received her B.A. and M.A. in British history from Seoul National University and Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from Johns Hopkins University. She has conducted anthropological research on medical technologies, population policies, family politics and citizenship in South Korea. She is also researching how the perspectives of Native Studies and Feminism can contribute to the commons discourse on climate change and post-growth issues. Her journal articles published to date include “The Commons and Welfare: Toward a Synthetic Approach to the Crises of Social Reproduction”, “The Taiwanese Indigenous Land Rights Movement and the Changing Relationship of Community and Commons”, and “The Meanings of Heritage and Communal Life: A Case Study of a Jeju Village”. Currently (2023-2024) she is serving as the President of the Korean Association of Science and Technology Studies.