LIM Hyun Mook


Hyun Mook LIM is the Director of the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) which is working under the auspices of UNESCO. Based in Seoul, Republic of Korea, APCEIU promotes education for international understanding and global citizenship in Asia-Pacific and other regions focusing on education policy research, capacity-building for educators, and teaching/learning materials development.
Prior to assuming the current position in 2019, Dr. LIM served as Assistant Secretary-General for Education at the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, where he had started his professional career in 1992. He has taught at Sungkyunkwan University as adjunct professor. He received a Ph.D. in Political Thought from Sogang University, Republic of Korea and MA in International Studies from the University of Denver, Colorado, USA. Recent publications include: “South Korea’s National Curriculum and Global Citizenship Education” (2022) and “Transformative Education for Learning to Live Together” (2022).