Kristian BRAKEL
Heinrich Böll Foundation East Asia
Regional Representative
Republic of Korea as a Non-Permanent Member of the UN Security Council: Roles and Challenges


Kristian BRAKEL is the Regional Representative East Asia for the Heinrich Böll Foundation, a political foundation affiliated with the German Green Party in Seoul.
Previously, BRAKEL has held posts as Heinrich Böll Foundation Country Director in Turkey, as a senior political analyst on the Middle East and North Africa with both the international non-governmental organization Crisis Action in Germany and the United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the United Arab Emirates. He has headed the office of the European’s special representative in Sudan and served as political adviser to the EU special representative for the Middle East Peace Process, as well as officer for political cooperation for the German Federal Foreign Office in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
He holds degrees in Middle Eastern Studies, Education and International Cooperation and is a fellow with the German Council on Foreign Relations.