LEE Kyung-chul
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
High Representative for UN Security Council Affairs
Republic of Korea as a Non-Permanent Member of the UN Security Council: Roles and Challenges


LEE Kyung-chul, born in 1968 in the Republic of Korea, graduated from the Department of International Relations, and subsequently the Graduate School of Public Administration, of Seoul National University. He completed the Oxford University Foreign Service Programme in the United Kingdom. On passing the High Diplomatic Service Examination he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in 1991. In Seoul, he has served in such positions as Adviser to the Foreign Minister and Director of the UN Division of MOFA, and Senior Assistant Secretary at the Office of National Security, among others. He has also worked at the Ministry of Planning and Budget and the Ministry of Strategy and Finance as part of a Director-level personnel exchange program. Abroad, he has served in such posts as New York (Permanent Mission to the UN), Côte d'Ivoire, Indonesia and Australia. He was Political Coordinator for the Republic of Korea delegation to the UN Security Council during the ROK's term as a non-permanent member of the Council for 2013-14. LEE currently serves as High Representative for UN Security Council Affairs and Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan at MOFA in Seoul.