MOON Sangwon
Director General Department of Southeast Asia
Smart-Saemaul Initiatives for Climate Change Responses : Current Status and Future Direction


MOON Sangwon has been with KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) since 2004. He is working as a Director General of Department of Southeast Asia. He worked as a Director of ESG & Innovation team, Rural development team, Planning & Coordination team as well as a Senior Deputy Country Director, KOICA Yangon Office.
He majored in Master of Public health (M.P.H.) and Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Russian and Russian Literature, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea and now is a Ph.D student of international development of SAEMAUL in Yeungnam University.
He has a much interest in Rural development based on Korean “Saemaul Undong (SMU)”. He made a “KOICA Global SMU Plan” in 2013 and managed SMU project in Myanmar (23 mil., 2014-2020) in Myanmar successfully. He received a Prime Minister’s SMU commendation for contribution to Global SMU in 2015.
His major research area is on study on the determinants of community development in Myanmar rural area: focus on the SMU principle (Competition, Social capital, village reader).