Alexander GÖRLACH
Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
Senior Fellow
Jeju 4‧3, Reflection and Coexistence from the Past


Professor Alexander GÖRLACH is a senior fellow to the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs and an Adjunct Professor to NYU where he teaches democratic theory. He was a fellow and visiting scholar to both Harvard University and Cambridge University. He also served as a senior research associate at the Oxford Internet Institute, and is a senior advisor to the Berggruen Institute in Los Angeles. Alexander holds PhDs in linguistics and in comparative religion. Since his time as visiting scholar to Taiwan National University and City University Hongkong in the academic year 2017-18 his work specialized in the rise of China and what it means for democracies in East Asia. He is a guest author for The New York Times and Politico, amongst others, and appears frequently on German TV to comment on current world affairs.