NAM Kijeong


Born in 1964 in Seoul, NAM Kijeong currently serves as acting director at the Institute for Japanese Studies, Seoul National University (SNU), Korea. He graduated from SNU and received his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo. He worked as an assistant professor, and tenure professor at Tohoku University from 2001 to 2005, and also at Kookmin Unviersity from 2005 to 2009. His recent works include, Japanese Politics and Diplomacy in the Abe Era: National Innovation Led by Political Conservatives(in Korean, Editor and Co-author, 2020), The Birth of a Base State: Japan’s Korean War(in Korean, 2016), “The Great Transformation of South Korea-Japan Relations: Moon Jae-in Government\'s Policy toward Japan and the Advent of ‘Long-term, Low-intensity, and Complex Competition’ Era” (in Korean, 2021), “Linking peace with reconciliation: Peace on the Korean Peninsula and the Seoul-Pyongyang-Tokyo triangle” (2019).