HYUN Seung-soo
Korea Institute for National Unification
Research fellow
The ROK’s Indo-Pacific Strategy for Denuclearization, Peace, and Prosperity of the Korean Peninsula


Research fellow at Peace Research Division of Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU). Dr. Hyun obtained his Ph.D degree from University of Tokyo, majoring in political science. His main research area is Russian and Eurasian international politics, Russian security policy, North Korea-Russia Relations. He became a senior researcher at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade from 1994 to 1999, and he was a HK research professor at Hanyang University from 2009 to 2014. Also, he is currently the vice president at Korean Association for Eurasian Studies. There are a number of publications, such as 『China-Russia Cooperation and Peace and Prosperity on the Korean Peninsula』, 『Border Security in Neighboring Countries and Unification Environment on the Korean Peninsula』, 『Multilateral Approach for Advancing the Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative and Partnership with Eurasia』.