
Kay Song is the Chairwoman of BT&I Group. As a woman CEO, she turned the BT&I Group, a travel business for firms, into a KOSDAQ-listed company with 300 million dollars in revenue generated from air ticket sales. She then merged it with SM, a global entertainment group, into SMC&C. Indeed, she is an eminent opinion leader in the travel industry in Korea. In 2016, she separated the MICE business from SMC&C, and built it into what is BT&I group now. She has also been engaged in various charity activities through donations. In 2010, she joined the \'Honor Society\', a group of donors with contributions over 100,000 dollars, for the first time as a woman CEO. She was also named as one of the 48 heroes of philanthropy in Asia by Forbes. In particular, in 2013, she won the Kim Man-duk Award in the corporate field. She continues to make an endeavor to promote the culture of giving.