RAS Institute for Far Eastern Studies


Dr. Sergei LUZIANIN is a Director of RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies (IFES) and Head of the IFES Center for Strategic Studies of SCO and Northeast Asia. He also is a member of the Expert Analysis Group, Russian Council on International Affairs. And he is a member of the Academic Expert Group, RF Security Council and he is a professor of Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations under the RF MFA. Previously, he was an Acting Director, RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies (IFES), Head of IFES Center for Strategic Studies of SCO and Northeast Asia. Dr. LUZIANIN obtained his Ph.D and Higher Doctorate degree from the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is a specialist in international relations and security in the Asia-Pacific Region, Central Asia and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the foreign policy of Northeast Asian countries.

세르게이 루자닌
러시아 극동문제연구소 소장
세르게이 루자닌 교수는 러시아 극동문제연구소 소장으로 재직 중이다. 그는 현재 러시아외교협회(RIAC), 러시아 안보회의의 전문가 그룹에 속해 있으며 국립모스크바대학교 국제관계학과의 교수를 겸임하고 있다. 그는 러시아과학아카데미 산하의 동방학 연구소에서 박사학위를 받았으며, 주요연구분야로는 중앙아시아 및 아시아•태평양지역의 국제관계와 안보, 상하이협력기구, 동북아시아 외교정책 등이 있다.