KIM Hanjung
The National Assembly of the ROK


2016~ 제20·21대 국회의원(경기 남양주시 을/더불어민주당)(현)
더불어민주당 국제위원회 위원장(현)
국회 산업통상자원중소벤처기업위원회 간사(현)

2020~ 국회 한반도평화포럼 대표의원(현)
2020~ 한일의원연맹 상임간사(현)
2020~2022 국회 정무위원회 위원
2021~2022 국회 예산결산특별위원회 위원
2020~2021 더불어민주당 한반도TF 위원
2020~2021 더불어민주당 코로나19 국난극복본부 본부장
2020~2021 더불어민주당 정책위원회 선임부의장
2020~2021 국회 예산결산특별위원회 위원
2016~2017 더불어민주당 원내정책부대표
2006~2007 미국 코넬대학교 동아시아센터 초청연구원
2003~2005 비서실장(김대중 전직대통령)
2000 2000년 남북정상회담 수행(김대중대통령)
1999~2003 청와대 제1부속실장(김대중대통령)

Member of the 20th and 21st National Assembly (Two-Term Member, Democratic Party of Korea Representative for Gyeonggi Namyangju City)
Vice Chair, Committee on Trade, Industry, Energy, SMES, and Startups, the National Assembly
Standing Secretary of the Korea-Japan Parliamentarians' Union
President of the National Assembly's Peace Forum on the Korean Peninsula
Chair, Committee on International Affairs, Democratic Party of Korea

2020 – 2022 Member of the National Policy Committee, the National Assembly
2021 – 2022 Member of the Special Committee on Budget & Accounts, the National Assembly 
2020 – 2021 Head of the COVID-19 National Crisis Management Division, Democratic Party of Korea
2020 – 2021 Chief Vice President of the Policy Committee, Democratic Party of Korea
2020 Member of the Korean Peninsula Task Force, Democratic Party of Korea
2018 – 2019 Member, Special Committee on Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation, the National Assembly
2016 – 2017 Deputy Floor Leader of the Democratic party, the National Assembly
2013 – 2015 Visiting Professor, East Asia International College, Yonsei University
2010 – 2011 Professor, Graduate School of Social Policy, Gachon University
2006 – 2007 Visiting Scholar, the East Asia Center, Cornell University
2003 – 2005 Secretary General, Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia-Pacific (FDL-AP)
2003 – 2005 Chief of Staff to Kim Dae-jung, Former President of Republic of Korea
2000 Member of the Delegation to the Inter-Korean Summit in 2000 (President Kim Dae-jung, Pyeong-yang)
1999 – 2003 Senior Private Secretary to President Kim Dae-jung