OH Jong-hee
Korea Health Industry Development Institute, Bureau of Global Healthcare
Executive Director


Executive Director Oh, Jong-Hee studied in Seoul National University, College of Engineering. From 1993, he had been an associate researcher in Korea Institute of Health Services Management and participated in major projects; health services management, hospital planning, hospital reengineering sector, etc. In 1999, he became a fellow member of Korea Health Industry Development Institute (government-funded institute) and consulted government about health industry policy, Medical Tourism and Korea Health industry export sectors. His major projects were the Korea rural area’s health services improvement project(1992~1998), the establishment of National Health Insurance Ilsan Hospital, the establishment of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital and Jeju National University Hospital, the establishment of Korean Armed Forces Capital Hospital, introduction project of Long-term Care Insurance in Korea, PPP project of Korea Provincial Public Hospital, the development project of Osong Health Industry Cluster, the establishment of EDCF Uzbekistan National Pediatric Hospital, development of Integrative Medicine in Korean, etc.

오종희(吳宗熙 • 53) 본부장은 서울대학교 공과대학에서 공부하였고, 1993년부터 한국의료관리연구원(KIHM)에서 책임연구원으로 의료관리, 병원계획, 병원경영 분야에서 연구활동을 하였다. 1999년부터는 한국보건산업진흥원 전문위원으로 보건산업 정책개발, 외국인환자유치사업, 의료해외진출 사업 분야에서 정부 및 민간업체들을 지원하고 있다. 주요 참여사업으로는 농어촌의료서비스 기술지원 프로젝트, 건강보험공단 일산병원 설립, 국군수도병원 설립, 분당서울대학교 병원 설립 프로젝트, 장기요양보험 제도 도입 프로젝트, 지방의료원 민간투자사업(BTL), 오송보건의료행정타운 조성사업, 우즈벡 국립아동병원 설립, 통합의료 정책개발 등이다.