Doctor Maria Eugenia Villarreal (Phd) ended her doctorate studies in Political Science at the Institut des Hautes Études de l’Amérique Latine, Université de Paris III, France. For the last 22 years, she has worked in Mexico and Central America, in areas such as international law, policy development, humanitarian disarmament, human rights, and political analysis. As a specialist in international relations, and a policy and advocacy practitioner, she has been part of the civil society movement for humanitarian disarmament since 2000. During this time, as a member of different campaigns, she has taken part in multilateral processes on landmines, cluster munitions, killer robots, nuclear weapons, and the use of explosive weapons in populated areas, among others. She is currently a member of the Steering Committee of ICAN. She participated in the ceremony of awarding the Nobel Prize to ICAN in Norway, in 2017. Additionally, she is a member of the Human Security in Latin America and the Caribbean -SEHLAC- and she has published more than 15 articles and books relating to human rights, armed conflicts, child soldiers, and humanitarian disarmament.