Professor Jaekeun Kim, his volunteer work at a facility for people with special needs made him realize how important human rights violation issues and independent lifestyles are for people with special needs. He went to Japan to study afterward, majoring in community welfare for people with special needs at Rikkyo University. Having worked as an assistant for the severely disabled at the Center for Independent Living (CIL), Kim worked at the Committee for the People with Special Needs (CIL) for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. He once played the role of an interpreter and coordinator for projects to promote independent living in Korea in association with the Korea Council of Centers for Independent Living. After his doctoral degree, he worked as a coordinator at the Office of Disabled Student Support at Rikkyo University and as an assistant professor in the Department of Welfare for the Disabled at Waseda University. Working at the Department of Welfare for the Disabled at Majiro University, he teaches the theory of welfare for people with special needs and classes related to the certification of social welfare workers.