LIM Dae Woong
BNZ Partners


Dae Woong Lim is an expert on climate change, ESG, green finance, and sustainable development. He joined Eco-Frontier in 1995 and provided climate and environmental policy advice and ESG management strategy advice. He established ECO&PARTNERS in 2014 and BNZ PARTNERS in 2020 to carry out projects such as carbon neutral, RE100, green finance, carbon emission business investment, climate technology investment, and blockchain. Since 2015, he has been appointed as the Korean representative of the UNEP Finance Initiative. He is a member of the 2050 Carbon Neutral Committee, the Financial Development Council, the Green Finance Taskforce of the Financial Services Commission, and the Deposit Insurance Advisory Committee of the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation. He holds an MSc. in Environmental Sustainability from the University of Edinburgh.