Since becoming Director of the Seoul National University Asia Center in 2017, SooJin Park has led with a vision to make the Asia Center a hub for regional research. The center explores a diverse range of topics and regions, leading the way by putting Asian regional research at the heart of our program. In addition, he holds a continuing interest in the natural environment of the Asian region and has gathered a wide array of relevant data through which he investigates numerous topics. An emblematic example is his publication using remote sensing technology to survey soils in North Korea, a place where direct survey is impossible. This work was awarded the 29th Prize for Excellence in Science and Technology. Furthermore, since 2014 he has been participating in research for The National Atlas of Korea, responsible for the visualization and curation of multiple types of data. He is responsible for several other research projects and participates with colleagues in collaborative research to carry out work in regions across Asia. To this end, he is leading the Data Storytelling Cluster’s research agenda, using his long experience with metrology and data to investigate the identities and dynamics of each Asian region.