Hyungsoo KIM has worked at KT (Korea Telecom) R&D department from 1993. He has successfully led outstanding projects in relation to B-ISDN (Broadband-Integrated Service Digital Network), NGN (Next Generation Network), Internet QoS (Quality of Service), Green ICT, Smart Grid, 5G, and AI. Now he is responsible for leading Quantum Technologies, as a Team Leader of the Quantum DX team in KT. He is the enabler of the world's first QKD (Quantum Key Distribution) network standards ITU-T Y.3800 in ITU (International Standardization). Dr. KIM has a Ph.D. in electronics engineering from Kon-Kuk University. In addition to his role in KT, Dr. KIM has participated in ITU-T-based international standards activities, since 1997. Now he is working as a vice-chairman of ITU-T Study Group 13 (Future networks and emerging network technologies) and Chairman of Working Party 1 (IMT-2020 and the beyond) in SG13. More than 100 contributions and 10 ITU-T Recommendations were submitted and approved so far under the umbrella of his editorship from B-ISDN to Quantum aspects.