CHOI Yunmi
Korea National Defense University
Director, TF Team on UN PKO Ministerial Meeting


Yunmi CHOI is a senior research fellow at the Research Institute for National Security Affairs(RINSA), Korea National Defense University(KNDU). She recently serves as the Director for the MND’s Follow-up Task Force Team on the UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Meeting. Yunmi received her Ph.D. in Politics and IR from the University of Edinburgh, UK, in 2013. Before joining the academia, she serves as a producer for CNN(2003), UN Special Advisor on Peacekeeping(2009), Secretary-General of the EU Center in Korea(2013), adjunct professor at ROK PKO Center(2013-present), and research professor at Sookmyung Women’s University(2013-2017). Her research interests primarily focus on UN PKO (esp. Women, Peace and Security, WPS), EU CFSP/CSDP, NATO and ROK-US Alliance, and East-Asian Security Cooperation. She speaks Korean, English, and French.