CHO Wonbin
Sungkyunkwan University
Associate Professor


Wonbin Cho is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science & Diplomacy at Sungkyunkwan University. He got a PhD in political science from Michigan State University in 2005. Prior to joining SKKU in 2011, he was an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Kentucky. His primacy field in comparative politics. His teaching and research focus on democratization, with a special focus on Africa, on the relationship between populism and democracy, and on the political institutions and political attitudes, with a special focus on emerging democracies. His most recent books are New Democracy and Autocratization in Asia (2022), Trade Environments and Industrial Structures of the RECs in Sub-Saharan Africa, and South Korea’s Cooperation Plans (2021). His publications have appeared in Comparative Political Studies, Governance, Electoral Studies, Korean Political Science Review, and Korean Journal of International Relations.