KIM Daeun
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Middle East 1 Division)
Deputy Director


외교부 중동1과에서 중동정세, 이스라엘, 팔레스타인 및 요르단 관련 양자관계, 정세 및 경제 업무를 담당하고 있다. 이전에는 외교부 인권사회과에서 중동지역 국별 인권결의안 및 여성․아동 인권 문제를 담당하였으며, 그 외 조약과, 국립외교원 기획협력과에서도 근무하였다.

Daeun Kim is a Deputy Director in the Middle East 1 Division in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. Her tasks in the Division include analysis of political changes in the Middle East, especially Israel-Palestine and Jordanian issues, as well as dealing with their bilateral issues with the ROK. She joined the MOFA in 2013 and previously worked in Human Rights and Social Affairs Division, Treaties Division and Korea National Diplomatic Academy. She holds LL.Ms from Columbia Law School and Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.