SHIN Kyungnam
Global Green Growth Institute
Assistant Director-General


"신경남 사무차장보는 글로벌녹색성장기구(GGGI)의 투자 및 정책부문을 책임지는 핵심 임원으로, 기구내 한국의 역할·위상 확대와 글로벌 기후변화 대응 및 녹색성장에 기여하고 있다. 해당 직위는 사무총장 및 사무차장과 함께 경영진 회의에 참석하는 GGGI의 요직으로, 신사무차장보는 신재생에너지, 저탄소교통, 폐기물관리 및 스마트도시 등의 기후변화 인프라 사업들의 개발을 지원하는 역할을 담당하고 있다. 최근에는 한국정부와의 협의를 거쳐 매년 5백만불의 그린뉴딜펀드를 내년부터 받게 되어 대규모 해외인프라 사업들의 개발에 적극 활용할 계획이다. 글로벌녹색성장기구는 400여명의 직원이 본사 및 전세계 40개 해외지사에서 근무를 하고 있으며, 본사는 서울 정동에 소재하고 있다.
신 사무차장보는 기후변화·금융·국제법 등 다자협력 분야 전문가로서 과거 기획재정부에서 국제금융국, 국고국 및 세제실 서기관(부이사관 대우)으로 역임하며 국제금융, 국가 예산 및 대외협력 정책을 담당하였으며, 특히 지난 20여년간 아시아개발은행(ADB)의 개발금융전문가 및 녹색기술센터의 부소장으로 근무하며 글로벌 지속가능개발 및 녹색성장에 크게 기여한 바 있다."

"Dr. Kyung-Nam (Kevin) Shin worked at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for 15 years as a senior staff. As a Principal Financing Partnerships Specialist, he mobilized substantial amounts of financial resources from the public sector and the private sector. Mr. Shin developed various financing framework agreements between ADB, governments, multilateral and bilateral development banks, and international financing partners. As a SeniorFinancialSectorSpecialist (MissionLeader), he successfully processed lots of project loans in the areas of climate technology related infrastructure financing, public resource management, financial/fiscal management, ICT/MIS, and development planning and management in South Asian countries. Mr. Shin also developed ADB’s operations manual, bank policies, and operational procedures. He advised many project teams on financial and legal issues relating to project processing, administration, capacity development, and project evaluation.
Before joining ADB, Dr. Shin worked at the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MOFE) of Korea as a senior official for more than 13 years. He contributed to MOFE in the areas of international finance, official development assistance, public resource management, public accounting, and national tax. Through Dr. Shin’s professional working experiences at MOFE and ADB, he has established comprehensive networks with senior level of decision-makers at various ministries in the developing countries, international financing partners, and relevant stakeholders which are essential for him to identify, develop, and process multiple project loans in line with the needs of the developing countries.
After his work at ADB, since January 1997 until May 2020, Dr. Shin worked as a Director-General at Green Technology Center (GTC), a Korean government agency for the development of green and climate technology projects under the Ministry of Science & ICT. During his stay at GTC, he developed multiple creative green growth, climate adaption and low-carbon emission infrastructure projects in various areas including renewable energy, low carbon transport, urban solid waste management, waste water treatment, and carbon capture utilization & storage in Asian and African countries. Since July 2020 until April 2021, he worked as a Professor at Kyung Hee University. He was a member of government committees including Committee for International Development Cooperation (CIDC) under the Prime Minister’s Office and Committee for Climate Change & Environment under Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
Dr. Shin is currently working as Assistant Director-General and Head of Investment & Policy Solutions Division at Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), a leading think-tank international organization with a mission of promoting green growth and climate resilient development for developing countries.
He has received a Bachelor Degree on Economics and a Master Degree on Public Finance at the Seoul National University. He studied law at Columbia University School of Law and obtained a Juris Doctor. He is New York State Attorney at law and Korea Authorized Public Attorney (APA)."