JO Yanghyeon
Korea National Diplomatic Academy(KNDA)
Head of Center for Japanese Studies


서울대학교 외교학과를 졸업하고 일본 동경대학교에서 정치학 박사학위를 취득함. 하버드대학교 웨더헤드센터 Academic Associate, 싱가폴 국립대 동아시아연구소 Visiting Fellow, 국립외교원 외교사연구센터장을 역임함. 현재 국립외교원 아시아태평양연구부 교수 및 일본연구센터 책임교수로 재직중. 한국정치학회, 한국국제정치학회, 현대일본학회, 한국정치외교사학회, 한일군사문화학회 회원으로 활동중. 주요 연구 분야는 일본 정치외교, 동아시아국제관계 및 외교사임. 주요 저서로는 『アジア地域主義とアメリカ』 (東京大學出版會, 2009), (공저)『동아시아 세력전이와 일본 대외전략의 변화』(동아시아재단, 2014), (공저)『한일관계, 이렇게 풀어라』(김영사, 2015), (공저)『글로벌 냉전의 지역적 특성』(사회평론, 2015), (공저)『현대외교정책론(제3판)』(명인문화사, 2016), (공저)『일본의 국가정체성과 동북아 국제관계』(동북아역사재단, 2019), (공저)『한국의 대외관계와 외교사 현대 편』(동북아역사재단, 2019), (共著)『国境を越える危機』(東京大学出版会, 2020), (共著)『競合する歴史認識と歴史和解』(晃洋書房, 2020) 등이 있음.

a Professor at the Department of Asian and Pacific Studies, and the Head of the Center for Japanese Studies, Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS), Korea National Diplomatic Academy. He received his BA from Seoul National University, and MA and PhD from the University of Tokyo. He was an academic Associate of the Program on US-Japan Relations, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University in 2011, and a visiting fellow of the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore in 2018. His research field includes Japanese foreign policy, international relations and diplomatic history of Asia Pacific. His major publication is Asian Regionalism and U.S. Asian Policy: International Relations in the Asia-Pacific during the Vietnam War (University of Tokyo Press, 2009), which won Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize in 2010. He is the co-author of Introduction of Modern Foreign Policy (2007); Multilateral Diplomacy: A Passage toward Great Power (2009); Release of Diplomatic Documents and Reinterpretation of the Korean-Japanese Conference (2010); Japan and East Asia: Regional Cooperation and Community Building (2011); Institutionalization of Multilateral Cooperation in East Asia (2012); Power Shift in East Asia and Changes in Japan’s External Strategy (2014); How to Fix the Imperiled Korea-Japan Relations (2015); Regional Characteristics of Global Cold War (2015); Foreign Policy 21 Century (2016); Korea-Japan Relations in Fetters (2017); National Identity of Japan and International Relations in Northeast Asia (2019); Foreign Relations and Diplomatic History of Korea (2019); Cross-border Crisis, Diplomatic and Institutional Response (2020); Contending Views of History and History Reconciliation (2020)