Member, The National Assembly Republic of Korea


5선 국회의원(제17, 18, 19, 20, 21대)
(현) 국회 외교통일위원회 위원
(현) 국회 4차산업혁명포럼 공동대표
(전) 더불어민주당 국난극복 K-뉴딜위원회 공동위원장
(전) 국회 사법개혁특별위원회 위원장
(전) 국회 법제사법위원회 위원장
(전) 더불어민주당 국회세종의사당추진특별위원회 공동위원장
(전) 더불어민주당 검찰개혁특별위원회 공동위원장
(전) 더불어민주당 과학기술특별위원회 위원장
​(전) 더불어민주당 정보통신특별위원회 위원장

Member of the National Assembly (17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21th National Assemblies)
(present)Member of the Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee, National Assembly (NA)
(present)Co-Chair, Forum on the 4th Industrial Revolution, NA
(previous)Co-Chair, Committee on K-New Deal to Overcome National Challenges, DPK
(previous)Chair, Special Committee on Judiciary Reform, NA
(previous)Chair, Legislation and Judiciary Committee, NA
(previous)Co-Chair, Special Committee on Relocation of the National Assembly to Sejong, DPK
(previous)Co-Chair, Special Committee on Prosecution Reform, DPK
(previous)Chair, Special Committee on Science and Technology, DPK
(previous)Chair, Special Committee on Information and Communications, DPK