KIM Sangmook
Seoul National University of Science & Technology


Sangmook Kim is a professor of public administration at Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Professor Kim was a senior fellow at the Public Governance Institute, Catholic University in Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium (2009~2010), and a visiting scholar at the Department of Politics, University of Exeter, the United Kingdom (2005~2006). He is a co-chair of the Study Group on Strategic HRM and Organizational Behavior in the Public Sector (SHRM & OB), International Institute for Administrative Sciences (IIAS). He is a member of the Editorial Board at the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (Oxford University Press) and Public Personnel Management (Sage Publications).
He received his Ph.D. in political science from Michigan State University in the United States. His research interests focus on public service motivation, organizational behavior, human resource management, public management reform, and gender-related issues. He has published over 80 academic articles and 13 public administration and organizational psychology books. His book, Public Service Motivation in Korea (2013), wased as one of the Excellent Books of Basic Sciences by the National Academy of Sciences, Korea. For more information about his research performance, please visit the website at blog.daum.net/smook6495.