The Sejong Institute
Research fellow


"- 학력 및 경력
서울대학교 경영학 학사
조지타운대학교 정책학 석사
위스콘신 주립대학교-밀워키 정치학 박사
서던 캘리포니아 대학교 한국학연구소 박사후연구원
아산정책연구원 안보정책센터장, 워싱턴사무소장

- 연구실적
“Changing Security Environment in Northeast Asia and South Korea’s Security Dilemma”(2019)
“북한의 불완전 비핵화와 한미 동맹의 문제”(2019)
“북미관계에 대한 예측은 가능한가?”(2018)
『Foreign Intervention in Civil Wars』 (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017)

- 연구 및 관심분야
국제안보, 외교정책, 한미관계"

"Jung-Yeop Woo studied at Seoul National University, Georgetown University and received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Previously, he was a research fellow and director of the Center for Security Policy at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. He was also a postdoctoral fellow at the Korean Studies Institute at the University of Southern California.​​​
He is the author of Foreign Intervention in Civil Wars (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017). His recent publication in academic journals includes “Changing Security Environment in Northeast Asia and South Korea’s Security Dilemma” (2019), “North Korea’s Incomplete Denuclearization and Issues of ROK-U.S. Alliance” (2019), and “Can We Predict North Korea-US Relations?” (2018).
His research interests are international security, US foreign policy, and the US-South Korea relations."