Kadir Jun AYHAN
Ewha Womans University Graduate School of International Studies
Assistant Professor


Kadir Jun Ayhan, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of International Relations at Ewha Womans University Graduate School of International Studies. His main research interests include public diplomacy, power in world politics, Korean foreign policy, and active learning pedagogy for international relations. Ayhan serves as Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Public Diplomacy and Associate Editor for Quality & Quantity and Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia journals. He regularly consults for governmental public diplomacy projects in Korea. Ayhan holds a Ph.D. (2016) and an M.I.S. (2010) from Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies and a Bachelor of Commerce (2008) from The University of Auckland. He has published articles in International Studies Perspectives, Korea Observer, Asia Pacific Education Review, and Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, among others.