KIM Taehwan
Korea National Diplomatic Academy


현재 국립외교원교수로 재직중이다. 2008년부터 2013년까지 한국국제교류재단 정책연구실장을 거쳐 공공외교사업부장으로 재임하였다. 미국 컬럼비아대학교에서정치학 박사학위를 취득하고, 연세대학교 연구교수, 한국정치학회 이사 및 한국슬라브학회연구이사를 역임하였고 현재 한국공공외교학회 연구위원장이다. 동아시아재단에서 발간하는 Global Asia의 서평 편집인이다. 주 관심분야는‘탈사회주의 경제변혁’과 ‘공공외교’이며, 최근의 저작으로는 “무정부 국제사회에서의 인정추구: 공공외교에 대한 정체성 접근,” “한국 정책공공외교의 진화와 방향성,” “중견국 외교에대한 지위 정체성 접근,”「지정학, 탈지정학, 대항지정학: 평화와 공존의한국 외교정책 정체성을 향하여」, “China’s Sharp Power and SouthKorea’s Peace Initiative”. “Authoritarian Post-Communist Transition and ItsFuture in China, Vietnam, and North Korea” 등이 있다.

Dr. Taehwan Kim is Professor of Public Diplomacy at the KoreaNational Diplomatic Academy(KNDA), the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Beforejoining the KNDA in 2013, he had served as Director of Public Diplomacy at theKorea Foundation since 2008. He also taught as Research Professor at the Divisionof International Education of Yonsei University during 2002 and 2008. He is abook review editor for the English quarterly Global Asia published by the East Asia Foundation. Dr. Kim graduatedfrom Yonsei University (B.A. and M.A. in Political Science) and received hisPh.D. in Political Science from Columbia University. His research focus is oncomparative political economy of post-socialist transformation and Korea’spublic diplomacy. His recent works in English include “Seeking Recognition inAnarchy: An Identity Approach to Public Diplomacy”; “A Status Identity Approachto Middle Power Public Diplomacy”; “China’s Sharp Power and South Korea’s Peace Initiative”; and “Authoritarian Post-Communist Transition and Its Future in China,Vietnam, and North Korea”.