Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Senior Fellow


제임스 밀러 박사는 벨퍼센터 수석연구원으로, 강대국 간 전쟁 예방에 관한 프로젝트를 이끌고 있다. 2014년 10월 연구원으로 선임되기 이전에는, 미 국방성 정책담당 차관을 지내면서 전략, 정책, 작전 분야에서 레온 파네타 장관과 척 헤이글 장관의 자문역을 담당했고 국가안보위원회 정책수립 및 위기관리부 차관을 지냈다. 또한 로버트 게이츠 장관 재임 시절 미 국방성 정책담당 부차관으로서 핵정책 및 미사일방어전략 검토와 우주 및 사이버공간 국방전략을 이끌었다. 미 국방성에서 민간인에게 수여하는 최고훈장인 공로훈장을 4차례 받았다. 밀러 박사는 신미국안보센터의 수석부회장이자 연구부장, 듀크대학교 조교수를 지냈다. 현재 애틀란틱카운슬 이사회에서 국방과학분과에 소속되어 있으며, 신미국안보센터의 자문위원회 위원이다. 스탠포드대학교 경제학 학사, 하버드케네디스쿨 공공정책학 석, 박사를 취득했다. 1985년부터 1988년까지 벨퍼센터 국제안보프로그램 연구원을 지냈다.

Dr. James N. Miller is a Senior Fellow at the Belfer Center, where he leads a project on preventing war among great powers. Prior to his appointment at the Center in October 2014, he worked as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, advising Secretaries Leon Panetta and Chuck Hagel on strategy, policy, and operations, and serving as the department’s deputy for National Security Council policy-making and crisis management. Miller served previously as Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy under Secretary Robert Gates, guiding reviews of nuclear policy and missile defense, and leading national defense strategies for space and cyberspace. He was awarded the Department of Defense’s highest civilian award, the Medal for Distinguished Public Service, four times. Miller served previously in government as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and as senior staff for the House Armed Services Committee. He also served as Senior Vice President and Director of Studies at the Center for a New American Security, Senior Vice President at Hicks and Associates, Inc., and assistant professor at Duke University. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Miller is President of Adaptive Strategies, LLC. He serves on the Defense Science Board, the Atlantic Council’s Board of Directors, and the Board of Advisors for the Center for a New American Security. Miller received a B.A. degree with honors in economics from Stanford University, and Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in public policy from Harvard Kennedy School. He was a research fellow with the Belfer Center’s International Security Program from 1985-88.