LEE Hohyeon
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
Director General for Energy Innovation Policy


이호현 에너지혁신정책관은 1967년 6월 12일 출생하여 1992년 연세대학교 경제학과를 졸업하고 1996년 제39회 행정고시에 합격하여 공직에 임관하였습니다.
가스산업과장, 운영지원과장 등을 역임하였고, 무역정책관을 거쳐 2021년 1월 에너지혁신정책관으로 취임하였으며, 2050 탄소중립 실현, 에너지전환 등을 위해 노력중입니다.

Lee Ho-hyeon, Director General for Energy Innovation Policy, was born on June 12, 1967. He graduated from Yonsei University with a degree in Economics in 1992 and passed the 39th Public Adminisration Examination in 1996.
After serving as Director for Gas Division and General Services and Personnel Division as well as Director General for Trade Policy, he was appointed as Director General for Energy Innovation Policy in January 2021. He currently focuses on achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and energy transition.